Hello there, my name is Carl Uvebrant.

Welcome to my Website made with HTML and hosted on my own home server.

I'm a programmer currently looking for full-time work. Just finished the Game Programming Class at The Game Assembly and a 30-week internship at EODynamics.

The Game Assembly Team Projects

Game Project 8: CanStrike

Game Reference: Doom 2016 Arena

Production Time: 8 weeks Full-time = ~260 hours

Engine: In-house FireFly

My Home Solo Projects

Temp Name: WorldWar

Game Reference: Dayz/Red Orchestra

Game Type: Open World Survival

Time Spent: ~820 hours

Engine: Unreal Engine 4-5

Started with me wanting to learn Unreal Engine C++ and Blueprint more. Turned into me making my own small survival game...

Unreal Engine SteamWorks API Wrapper

GitHub Link

Time Spent: ~40 hours

Started with a friend wanting me to make a steamworks API wrapper...